We are forced to use the Nvidia proprietary driver for two reasons:

1. We use the switched stereoscopic 3D mode of "professional" Nvidia video cards with the external Nvidia 3D switching emitter for the stereoscopic 3D "shutter glass" mode of various applications that display stereoscopic 3D images (both still and motion).

2. We need to load Nvidia CUDA in order to use the CUDA computational functions of Nvidia GPU compute cards in our GPU based compute engines. The Nvidia CUDA system appears to require the proprietary Nvidia driver.

My understanding is that only the Nvidia proprietary driver supports both of these functionalities across the board of all applications that will run natively on Linux (some of which are not under the GPL or equivalent).

Yasha Karant

On 03/25/2013 08:02 AM, Robert Blair wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Thanks.  I suspect, however, that the issues identified by this don't
apply since the two cards were a GT240 and a GT220 which are not part of
the legacy group that this is meant to help with.  I'm sort of committed
to moving to nouveau since it weans me from these awkward special
support modes and nouveau appears to have reached a reasonable level of
maturity.  I've been using nouveau on a laptop with an add on monitor
for some time now and find it a bit better than the nvidia twinview
stuff.  This is not to mention that disentangling the proprietary
drivers is a bit painful.  Returning to the nvidia proprietary approach
would have to have certain success to be worth going back.  At the
moment I have stable operation with two screens and can live this way.

On 03/25/2013 09:53 AM, Andras Horvath wrote:

Elrepo announced not long ago the availability of the nvidia-detect
package from their repository. I suggest you to take a look at that.

The relevant mail:


On Mon, 25 Mar 2013 09:36:12 -0500
Robert Blair <r...@anl.gov> wrote:

I have an SL6 system which uses the epel nvidia kmod modules.  Just
recently X began crashing whenever a flash or other video is played. I
presume this is related to the most recent kernel update. The system
was a bit unusual in that it had two video cards and four monitors.
Is this unique to my setup or have others observed this?

As a follow up I converted to the nouveau driver which doesn't have
this problem but I have yet to get the system to drive more than two
monitors off one card.  Anyone know of a good resource for
multicard/monitor nouveau setup/troubleshooting?

Bob Blair
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)


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