On 01/04/13 15:24, Joseph Areeda wrote:
Well folks I have some more information and solved it the hard[est] way.

The only thing I found that matches my symptoms pretty closely is in
this blog post http://blog.pdark.de/tag/opengl/

According to the author:

The reason for the error was that the xorg-x11-server contains the
file /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so which is needed for
the NVIDIA <http://www.nvidia.com> driver but the NVIDIA driver has
its own, special version.

The fix for the error was to reinstall the NVIDIA driver again.

Well upgrading the driver (yum upgrade kmod-nvidia nvidia-x11-drv
nvidia-x11-drv-32bit) didn't work.  I am now at 310.40 (Thanks Andrew).

You are confusing issues here somewhat.

The issue (and fix) described in that blog refers specifically to the proprietary NVIDIA drivers as installed by the NVIDIA installer where xorg-x11-server-Xorg and the NVIDIA installer will indeed conflict and each overwrite /usr/lib{64}/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so installed by the other. Thus, if you are using the NVIDIA installer then you will need to reinstall the NVIDIA drivers after each update to xorg-x11-server-Xorg to reinstate the NVIDIA libs just overwritten by the OS.

However, the RPM packaged driver solution installs conflicting libraries to separate locations (in this case /usr/lib{64}/xorg/modules/extensions/nvidia/libglx.so) and either the dynamic linker or an appropriately configured xorg.conf ensure the correct lib is loaded. So "upgrading the driver" with yum will never fix this issue as this is not broken in the first place with the packaged driver.

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