1) install live cd tools
su -c "yum install livecd-tools spin-kickstarts createrepo"

2) create 2 files: sl_live_config.ks, sl_live_create.sh

3) make the contents of these file be:


lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
repo --name=epel
repo --name=local --baseurl=file:///home/user/configs/myrepo

%include sl6rolling-livecd64-gnome.ks


@Development Tools




# create a SL live CD


# create local repository with custom packages
mkdir -p "$MYREPO"
# these are the usb_modeswitch packages for 3G mobile modems
cp -f my_custom_packages*.rpm "$MYREPO"
createrepo "$MYREPO"

mkdir "$DIR"
svn co https://svn.iac.ethz.ch/pub/livecd/trunk/SL6/"$DIR";
cp -f sl_live_config.ks "$DIR"
cd "$DIR"

# to make x64 version on x64 host
# su -c "LANG=C setarch i386 livecd-creator --config=sl_live_config.ks 

su -c "LANG=C livecd-creator --config=sl_live_config.ks --fslabel=sl_live"


You can as well leave out the myrepo part if you don't want to copy
extra rpms on the live media that can't be found in the main repos.
Then remove this line from the .ks file too:

repo --name=local --baseurl=file:///home/user/configs/myrepo

On Sun, 12 May 2013 21:10:13 -0600
Michael Clarkson <mich...@michaelclarkson.net> wrote:

> I've been trying recently to build my own SL 6.4 livecd isos,
> following the various howtos found all over scientificlinux.org. I
> use Fedora 18 as my primary OS but I also have SL64 and in neither
> case have I had any luck making SL isos. I know there is some magic I
> am missing so I have decided to poll the list looking for the livecd
> builders.
> What is your favorite recipe for building consistent, stable, SL 6
> live media? What is your favorite build host, favorite livecd
> creation tools, favorite kickstart, and most reliable way of creating
> a build area (chroot or not)? If the team that builds the standard
> isos is here, may I ask your build method?
> I would like full methods, not just the, "download this, tweak the
> kickstart, run livecd-creator." I can find those anywhere and they
> lack the magic I seek. I have taken a clean SL 6.4 base with almost
> nothing on it, installed only the barebones necessary according to
> the howtos, ran livecd-creator, and had it die multiple ways. Usually
> it is some form of Dracut nonsense or error with a package if I am
> building from another distro.
> On the flip side I can crank out F18 spins all day using the
> documented methods with little trouble at all. The problem is, I
> prefer using an Enterprise grade build to teach Linux and SL is by
> far my favorite.
> Thank you in advance.

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