It sounds like your network on the VMware side isn't configured correctly.
Also you should always use VMware tools to sync your time instead of NTP on VMware virtual machines.
VMWare hypervisor plays games with the clock on purpose and can cause a VM with NTP enabled to behave erratically. 

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On Sep 1, 2013 8:44, taozhijiang <> wrote:

Hello, I just install my SL carbon 6.4 under vmware environment for
kernel study, but found the system time runs much faster than the host.
I want the kernel to be pure, so I do not take account of vmware-tools.
I setup a ntpd in my host windows xp, but when guest SL update the time,
it complains like this:

[user@workstation ~]$ sudo ntpdate -dv
1 Sep 20:31:55 ntpdate[1479]: ntpdate 4.2.4p8@1.1612-o Fri Feb 22
03:55:28 UTC 2013 (1)
Looking for host and service ntp
host found :
transmit( Server dropped: no data
server, port 123
stratum 0, precision 0, leap 00, trust 000


1 Sep 20:32:00 ntpdate[1479]: no server suitable for synchronization
[user@workstation ~]$

I am wired, and do not know how to handle it.
Anyone anyidea would be much much appreciated!!!

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