Last weekend I posted the thread 'slow loading browser homepage'.  I got
useful feedback from several people that helped narrow the problem to
the order that nameservers are listed in my 'dhclient-eth0.leases' file.
It has the line:

  option domain-name-servers,;

The first address is my DSL modem, the last one of my ISP's nameservers.
Because the modem isn't a nameserver, it times out and then the second
resolves URL's.  So I get 6-8 second loading delays.  On the advice of
my ISP I reconfigured my modem to use static IP's for WAN IP addresses,
using their nameservers, i.e. and  I also
put these IP's in the 'resolv.conf' file and the 'ifcfg-eth0' file.

Yet in spite of these changes 'dhclient' continues to put the modem
address first in the above 'dhclient-eth0.leases' option line whenever
the network is restarted.  Here is the dhclient line that is run:

 /sbin/dhclient -1 -q -cf /etc/dhcp/dhclient-eth0.conf
-lf /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-eth0.leases
-pf /var/run/ eth0

The 'dhclient-eth0.conf' file is this:

send vendor-class-identifier "anaconda-Linux 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64
timeout 45;

This seems pretty minimal.  Is there something I can add to this file to
coerce 'dhclient' to correctly list the nameservers I want, or perhaps
quickly dismiss the first address?  'man dhclient.conf' gives a long
list of options, and I need some advice on what might be relevant for
this problem.  I tried 'timeout 01' but it didn't have any effect.

T. Rosmond

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