Could you be more specific as to the "environment-modules" packages?

Do these produce a stand-alone executable, or do these require to be installed on both the development and target environments (machines)?

Part of the issue is having the environment for a build requiring versions or entire packages that are not available in the "stock" distribution, but part is having the environment available at run-time for the built program.

Does this also work for buildable environments that require libraries incompatible with the "stock" distribution, particularly after the build during run-time?

Yasha Karant

On 10/16/2013 01:28 PM, Jeffrey Anderson wrote:
It seems to me that the "environment-modules" package available from
EPEL can address many of your needs.

We use it to provide access to multiple versions of python, gcc, boost,
gsl and many other tools and libraries, all without interfering with
necessary system-level operations.  It is quite flexible, has a
relatively low learning curve, and is widely used.  It allows users to
easily switch back and forth between different versions of these tools.

Need python 2.7.2?
'module load python/2.7.2'

Want to switch to 2.6.4?
'module switch python/2.6.4'

Want to go back to the default system python?
'module unload python'

and so on.


On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Yasha Karant <
<>> wrote:

    On 10/16/2013 09:12 AM, Jim Fait wrote:

        I run into this all the time, as we have a large number of
        somewhat incompatible software packages that we are required to
        have.  What we have ended up doing is placing the real
        executable somewhere outside the normal path, and then putting a
        script with same name in /usr/local/bin or /opt/local/bin that
        encapsulates all of the foreign dependencies and environment.
          That way, the particular package can live with its
        requirements alongside the production system, with very few
        problems seen by the end user.

        Of course, this means writing a number of scripts, in our case a
        couple hundred, that stay fairly static with changes in the OS
        or the package in question, and that hide all of the nastiness
        that otherwise would happen, like a PATH environment variable 10
        line long.

        Hope this idea helps.


    Your example is one of the accepted methods for enabling the idea of
    polymorphism and encapsulation within an otherwise procedural
    imperative, possibly structured, environment.  Assuming that what
    you are describing is for both the build environment and the
    execution environment of the environment/application being built, it
    should (in most cases) work.  And -- it should be the norm when
    providing application building environments that do NOT require a
    virtual machine (e.g., maintaining a "more modern" Linux under
    VirtualBox under SL6x).

    I do not know which applications/environments you support in this
    way.  A list of all that are not subject to for-fee or equivalent
    non-distributable licenses and for which you are willing to provide
    the scripts greatly would be appreciated.  Maintaining such
    environments across new major OS environment releases often entails
    a large amount of effort.


Jeffrey Anderson                        |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory   |
Office: 50A-5104E                       | Mailstop 50A-5101
Phone: 510 486-4208                     | Fax: 510 486-4204

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