Dear Mahmood,

You don't necessarily need to restart processes, but you do need to take some 
additional action.

The same result can be obtained by writing to the appropriate file in /proc, 
but it is best to use the above utilities if they are available and/or your 
organisation has a flexible enough policy to allow their installation.

There are a lot of very good resources already indexed by google regarding this 


----- Reply message -----
From: "Mahmood Naderan" <>
To: "Vladimir Mosgalin" <>, 
"" <>
Subject: unable to ssh and resource temporarily unavailable
Date: Fri, Oct 25, 2013 1:45 AM

Excuse me, when I change the ulimit, should I restart anything? Or changes are 
applied on the fly?


On Thursday, October 24, 2013 2:30 AM, Mahmood Naderan <> 
>Check "pgrep -u mahmood | wc -l" - if it reports number close to or above
>1000 (default limit 1024), then it's that.

# pgrep -u mahmood | wc -l

!! That's it

I will change that. Meanwhile, what will happen to the those which are beyond 
the limit? Are they running?


On Thursday, October 24, 2013 2:26 AM, Vladimir Mosgalin 
<> wrote:
Hi Mahmood Naderan!

On 2013.10.23 at 15:15:16 -0700, Mahmood Naderan wrote next:

> As root, I can not su to my user
> [root@tiger<mailto:root@tiger> ~]# su - mahmood
> su: cannot set user id: Resource temporarily unavailable
> Which resource is unavailable right now? how can I find that?

Maybe too many processes for that user?
Check "pgrep -u mahmood | wc -l" - if it reports number close to or above
1000 (default limit 1024), then it's that.

You can check limits for current user with "ulimit -a" and tweak them in
/etc/security/limits.conf and /etc/security/limits.d/* (1024 processes
per user is set in /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf)

There are also other limits you can exceed, like limits on open files,
or it can be limitation of selinux policies and few other causes -
but error in setuid() is likely process limit.

If it's something else, you should run "su" under strace ("strace -f"
would be useful) and examine its output. You can solve (nearly) all
mysteries like this with strace.



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