Have you looked at zarafa?
-----Original message-----
> From:Steven Haigh <net...@crc.id.au>
> Sent: Saturday 8th February 2014 13:45
> To: scientific-linux-users@fnal.gov
> Subject: Re: Exchange server alternative?
> On 08/02/14 13:08, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> > So I was wondering what you all thought would be a good
> > SL6.x substitute for Exchange server?
> I'd actually be interested in this too... I wrote a howto[1] on getting
> virtual mail hosting using mysql + postfix + dovecot - however the big
> thing that is missing is contacts / calendar integration.
> Thunderbird can use caldav for calendar data, but the integration
> doesn't really seem to be there. As for contacts, this has the similar
> problem.
> I'd also be very interested in a method to sync calendar + contacts that
> can be easily tied into Thunderbird / Android....
> -- 
> Steven Haigh
> Email: net...@crc.id.au
> Web: https://www.crc.id.au
> Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897
> Fax: (03) 8338 0299
> 1 - https://www.crc.id.au/virtual-mail-hosting-on-el6/

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