You know what you also can't do with Gmail create a SOX compliant export for regulators if you get audited.
So if there is reason to believe that your companies emails contains data pertinent to the financial transactions of your company and your company gets audited you are in deep trouble. It is also the legal responsibility of the person or people in charge of maintaining the email system to ensure the compliant backups are taken and made available upon request.
That's why most large and or financial companies in the united states won't use it.
And some times the regulators are the ones who are actually asking for the tap via a compliance officer on some ones emails without managerial approval and its really bad if they can't do that.
You can thank Enron for that.

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On Feb 9, 2014 1:25, Nico Kadel-Garcia <> wrote:

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Paul Robert Marino <> wrote:
> info sec is not the problem it's a record keeping issue.

Info sec for email is *always* a problem. It's also critical to the
record keeping: the ability to re-route, or delete, or backfill email
needs to be handled. (Do not get me *started* on desires to backfill
email that never happened, or to silently tap people's email with or
without managerial permission! Switching to GMail made it possible for
me to say "can't be done!!!" and avoid responsibility for such

Fortunately, modern IMAP based email systems give easy ways to
transfer or replicate email wholesale ti alternative servers,
wholesale. Thank you, *gods* for the migration from POP based
services, which have mostly disappeared but stored all the folder
information on the client. For most clients, they can pretty much cut
and paste their old Exchange folders to a new IMAP environment.
*Migrating* from Exchange to the new environment takes time and

For folks recommending Zimbra or Zarafa, I'd be very curious how they
migrate data from Exchange clients. I'm sure that part's not just
"drop-in replacement".

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