Hi Urs

  here are a couple of notes on the subject I havent done it in a few
years but my past experience may be useful.

1) on the subject of the mother board not supporting booting off the
USB drive it doesn't matter because Grub supports it so if you install
grub as the boot loader on your hard drive it can handle it for you.

2) its not the USB bandwidth you need to worry about with speed.
Most USB flash drives are far slower than the USB bus some of them
measure in the hundreds of Kilobytes per second so don't expect speed
unless you buy a very high end Flash drive. that said Ram helps a lot
and there are some other hybrid options you can look at SuSE's live
(DV|C)D's traditionally allowed booting off of the CD and merging it
with persistent data on disk images on an Fat32 or NTFS drive it can
give you more speed but at the cost of shortening the life span of
your DVD drive because of the constant use. so there are alternative
options you could evaluate.

3) more ram will help the more you can keep in ram the better your
performance will be.

4) do not put a swap partition on your flash drive!
it will eat the total life time writes very quickly however if you
absolutly need too then resuce the swappienes

5) use tempfs as much as possible.
use it for /tmp and if you can for /var/run and /var/log it will eat
some ram but it will significantly increase the life span of the flash

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 5:00 AM, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:
> On 03/22/2014 04:09 AM, Urs Beyerle wrote:
>> 3) 1x DVD read is 1.3 MB/s (10.5 Mbit/s), so a 24X DVD drive will be
>> about 30 MB/s. I guess there is no speedup using a USB 2 flash drive.
> Hi Urs,
>   Just playing around with it in KVM, I'd say it
> boot about 4 times faster than a CD on one of my
> customer's computers
> -T
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Computers are like air conditioners.
> They malfunction when you open windows
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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