That's an old good but out of date document.

The big question is do you want to do LDAP 2 or 3.
The big difference is Kerberos in 3 or not and are you planning to use no encryption or SSL as in version 2 or TLS as in version 3 which is similar but has some additional DNS requirements.

Also that document refers to openldap which I used for many years but I would advise you now to look at 389 server which was one of the original LDAP servers written by Netscape Security Solutions and is now owned by Red Hat also under RHDS and the basis of Oracles Directory Server due to a commercial fork agreement negotiated between SUN and AOL after AOL bought Netscape. Its not perfect but its GPL and in many ways better than OpenLDAP as a server platform and truly the good parts existed before Netscape died to the point where the first time I saw the java GUI a couple of years ago I fell on the floor litteraly bec)s of the nasty  flashbacks of supporting the SCO version and the NT 4 domain controller sync plugin in the late 90s

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On Mar 23, 2014 19:45, Steven Miano <> wrote:

This is a very good starting point:

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Pritam Khedekar <> wrote:
Dear All,

Please send me some LDAP config documents if available. ASAP.

 Miano, Steven M.

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