I think the point is that the commits as they’re landing are hard to relate to 
anything coming from Red Hat. For instance, I was curious about one earlier 
which had a commit message which indicated that there was a one-line change to 
a file… However, the commit added the entire file.


In that case, I’ve attempted to reach out to the CentOS committer whose name is 
associated with the commit (with no response as of this moment). But there are, 
unfortunately, large swaths of the new code which doesn’t have an actual person 


It’s fair to assume it’s all coming from a faucet at Red Hat. However, barring 
anyone with authority stating otherwise, it’s also fair to assume that the 
stuff coming from Red Hat is being modified for CentOS’s needs before being 


If the latter is the case, the statement about anonymous sources is completely 
correct in regards to the files which have a committer of “CentOS Sources 
<b...@centos.org>”. There is no one to take the fall if a file is subtly 
modified, and there’s no (public) change history to show when it happened. The 
paranoid might think of Apple’s recent “goto fail” issue and how easily it 
would be to introduce something like that in a huge source drop which is not 
easily verifiable as being exactly the same as Red Hat’s sources.


Mind you, I’m not saying that’s the case. But in the absence of data or 
evidence to the contrary, it’s a perfectly sane and logical conclusion one 
might come to. In any case, I don’t feel it’s unreasonable for people to want 
to know the provenance of the code they’re running.


Just my thoughts.





Matt Lewandowsky

Big Geek


m...@greenviolet.net http://www.greenviolet.net

+1 415 578 5782 (US) +44 844 484 8254 (UK)


From: owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov 
[mailto:owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov] On Behalf Of Stephen 
John Smoogen
Sent: Tuesday, 10 June, 2014 23:31
To: owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov
Cc: scientific-linux-users@fnal.gov
Subject: Re: RHEL 7 just hit the market place, I'm looking forward to when we 
can start testing SL 7




On 10 June 2014 20:12, Steven Haigh <net...@crc.id.au <mailto:net...@crc.id.au> 
> wrote:

On 11/06/14 12:07, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
> Yes a lot of us noticed.
> Recompiling an entire distro from scratch is not an easy proposition.
> Furthermore they need to strip out all of the Red Hat branding. Expect
> it to take a while at least a month or two if not more.

I think it'll take longer than normal this time around... The build
process is changing completely from previous versions. It seems the code
is getting published on git.centos.org <http://git.centos.org>  - but it seems 
nobody really
knows who is putting it there.

This leaves the moral quandary of 'do we all trust an anonymous source
with no official ties to Red Hat?'


Uh... that changed last summer when Red Hat became an official sponsor to 
CentOS. So not sure where the anonymous source thing is coming from.


Time will tell.



Stephen J Smoogen.

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