I had similar problem before, someone changed the stock system libz.so with a 
newer version libz.so, which yum didn't like it!

Zhi-Wei Lu
IET-CR-Network Operations Center
University of California, Davis
(530) 752-0155

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov 
[mailto:owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov] On Behalf Of Werf, C.G. 
van der (Carel)
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:23 AM
To: 'scientific-linux-users@fnal.gov'
Subject: yum segfaulting


I have two identical SL 5.3 fileservers, who function as a DRBD-pair.   
One of them was recently completely replaced with identical hardware, so I had 
to image the old one, and install OS-image on "new" server.

But now, when I run yum on the new server, it returns a segmentation fault 
(even a simple: # yum --help).

Googling this, a lot of pages hint for a memory error. But, running a memtest 
did not show any error.

So far, only yum returns the segmentation fault.

Does anyone have any clue for this ?

Carel van der Werf

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