Why spread FUD about Vmware.  Anyways, to hear what they say on the subject:

Anyways, KVM will not handle latency any better than Vmware.

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul Robert Marino" <prmari...@gmail.com>
> To: "Nico Kadel-Garcia" <nka...@gmail.com>
> Cc: "Brandon Vincent" <brandon.vinc...@asu.edu>, llwa...@gmail.com, 
> <scientific-linux-users@fnal.gov>
> Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2014 12:26:17 PM
> Subject: Re: about realtime system
> Wow I don't know how VMware got mentioned in this string but VMware
> is
> not capable of real time operation and if you ask the senior
> engineers
> at VMware they will tell you they don't want you even trying it on
> their product because they know it wont work. The reason is VMware
> plays games with the clock on the VM so the clocks can never be 100%
> accurate.
> It should be possible to do real time in KVM assuming you don't
> overbook your CPU Cores or RAM. Apparently Red Hat has been doing
> VM's
> with microsecond accurate clocks with PTP running on the
> visualization

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