On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote:
> Is anyone running SL 7 on a Dell Latitude E6540? My institution is
> considering this unit over the equivalent HP unit, to replace the five year
> old laptop that I currently use, because of the net lower cost of the Dell.
> Dell claims that it will run Linux Ubuntu 12.04 -- but I do not know if this
> enthusiast Ubuntu has more "secure boot", etc., capabilities than SL7x.

Ubuntu was first out of the gate with secure boot but the two main
developers of the Linux solution were RH employees. So secure boot
isn't going to be a problem.

That Ubuntu's working on the Latitude doesn't mean that SL will work
(without extra repos) because Ubuntu allows the installation of
non-free firmware and drivers from its own repos. So SL *might* need
more work to get going.

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