On 5 November 2014 16:49, Franchisseur Robert <rob...@franchisseur.fr> wrote:
> -- Le (On) 2014-11-04 +0000 à (at) 12:14:52 Simon Clubley écrivit (wrote): --
>> Has anyone had any luck installing Classic Theme Restorer in the SL
>> build of Firefox 31.x on SL 5.x ?
>> I have tried removing the localstore.rdf file, creating a new profile,
>> disabling all installed extensions and still the addon hangs during
>> installation.
>        Same thing for me so I installed the following add-ons :

Thank you for confirming it isn't just me.

>        - Tabs on bottom 0.5
>        - The Addon Bar (restored) 3.2

Those two addons certainly help thanks.

However, I think this may be a problem with the SL specific build of
Firefox 31.x.

When I installed the Addon Bar mentioned above, it messed up the
Status-4-Evar status bar so I uninstalled Status-4-Evar and tried to
install it again, but the Status-4-Evar installation also hung. I have
also found first hand reports of people using Classic Theme Restorer
with the non-SL versions of Firefox 31.x ESR without a problem or any
complaints so I am suspicious there's a more general problem in the SL
build which is stopping some addons from being installed.


Simon Clubley

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