Well I found UnifiedLinuxDriver-4.00.39.tar.gz and installed it with 
Now I can't print in colour.

Bill Maidment 
-----Original message-----
> From:Bill Maidment <b...@maidment.me>
> Sent: Friday 14th November 2014 15:33
> To: Bill Maidment <b...@maidment.me>; SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS@FNAL.GOV
> Subject: RE: Printer driver for Samsung CLP-415-NW on SL7
> Further investigation shows that the driver installed is a generic postscript 
> driver and the Samsung list does not contain any CLP drivers.
> Regards
> Bill Maidment 
> -----Original message-----
> > From:Bill Maidment <b...@maidment.me>
> > Sent: Friday 14th November 2014 15:13
> > Subject: Printer driver for Samsung CLP-415-NW on SL7
> > 
> > Hi
> > I have been using a Samsung colour printer CLP-415-NW on SL6 using the 
> > recommended CLP-310 series driver with good results.
> > On SL7, the driver recommended (the only one shown) is CLP-410 series, but 
> > this only prints in black and white.
> > Has anyone found a colour version that will work on SL7?
> > 
> > Regards
> > Bill Maidment
> > Landline: +61 2 4472 9374
> > Mobile: +61 418 682 993
> > Web: www.maidment.me
> > 
> > 

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