On 8 December 2014 at 16:03, Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote:

>  You are quite correct that the web page states that the application is
> not under current development (presumably neither is it
> currently being supported, so there are no further maintenance releases).
> Is anyone aware of a current open systems project that replaces/updates
> amaya?  I used amaya because in some sense it was the "reference" W3C web
> editor and (purportedly) fully
> W3C compliant -- no special vendor proprietary "hooks" (e.g., some of the
> W3C non-compliant features introduced by a particular monopoly vendor in
> order to generate a captive market).
It wasn't ever really compliant.. mainly because W3C is a huge consortium
and there were different views for a long time about what was 'official'
[Those oligarch vendors are all members of the consortium for years.] I
think it was HTML 3 compliant and possibly HTML 4.0 compliant but after
that it was hit or miss depending on how strict you wanted to be.

> Yasha Karant
> On 12/08/2014 02:52 PM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
> On 8 December 2014 at 15:15, Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote:
>> I have attempted to build from source the current production release of
>> amaya
>> http://www.w3.org/Amaya/
>  From the web page:
> The application was jointly developed by W3C and the WAM project (Web,
> Adaptation and Multimedia) at INRIA. It is no more developed.
>  The code was last updated in 2012, and most of the items you are looking
> for are from that period (ssl-1.0.0 versus 1.0.1 in EL-7).
>  You can get raptor from the fedora packages for Fedora
> 18: raptor-1.4.21-14.fc18.i686.rpm
>  Libjpeg8 is not packaged for Fedora, CentOS, or SciLin. Not sure if it
> is a license issue or some other blocker.
> If you can find the src.rpm for that and install the raptor and
> raptor-devel packages.. you may be able to recompile it for your system.
> [You might be able to get the amaya to compile once raptor is installed
> also.]
>  --
>  Stephen J Smoogen.

Stephen J Smoogen.

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