On 26 January 2015 at 17:42, Chris Schanzle <schan...@nist.gov> wrote:

> On 01/23/2015 07:31 PM, Steve Gaarder wrote:
> > Here's what I'm working on to provide a full complement of TeX goodies
> on SL7:
> >
> > I installed the latest TeXlive in a network directory accessible to all
> my SL7 machines.  I am working on creating an RPM that will install
> symlinks to all the relevant commands etc, and that RPM's spec file will
> have a "provides" for everything that the upstream Texlive package
> provides.  In that way I should be able to install RPMs that depend on TeX
> (e.g. kile) without triggering an install of the upstream packages.  Any
> feedback on this?
> I'm essentially in your same position.  A few of my users I point to my
> Fedora box which has 'yum install texlive-scheme-full'.
> Where that didn't work well, for two users, I've copied a whole (44
> collections out of 45) portable install locally and update it with a cron
> job every weekend.  I drop to environment files into /etc/profile.d/ so it
> appears near the front of their PATH:
>     ==> /etc/profile.d/texlive.csh <==
>     set d=/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-linux
>     if ( "${path}" !~ *$d* ) then
>         set path = ( $d $path )
>     endif
>     ==> /etc/profile.d/texlive.sh <==
>     d=/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-linux
>     [ -d $d ] && pathmunge $d
>     unset d
> As I have my own local repo of packages, I'm *this close* to just
> packaging up that whole install (3.3 GB, texmf-dist/doc is 1.51 GB) into a
> single RPM (must be <4.0GB) and update/install that as needed.  I do this
> for matlab and a few others, just haven't gotten 'round to it yet.
> IMHO, it's insane/wasteful/slows down yum for Fedora to have over 2,700
> texlive packages installed.  And after a glance of yum logs, they've never
> updated just a few packages...

You should engage the texlive maintainers then to see how they can better
meet your needs. The issue was that they heard a lot from people who don't
want 4GB of tex. They want 10 mb of TeX for some documents in other builds
and other things. That tends to be the vocal users of TeX as they see TeX
needing to be installed on a buildroot because some Makefile is making a
ps/pdf/dvi file and pulls in TeX to do so.

<smooge> .whoowns texlive
<zodbot> smooge: jnovy
<smooge> .fasinfo jnovy
<zodbot> smooge: User: jnovy, Name: Jindrich Novy, email:
novyjindr...@gmail.com, Creation: 2005-04-13, IRC Nick: jnovy, Timezone:
UTC, Locale: en, GPG key ID: F8B64257, Status: active
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Stephen J Smoogen.

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