Thank you very much -- but I have no interest in your price list. When I have installed OpenSUSE 13.2 and, if it is successful and useful, I shall share my observations with any SL list subscribers who may be interested. If we had disposable resources, etc., I would not be facing this particular conundrum.

Yasha Karant

On 03/24/2015 05:18 PM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
Price list:

answers: $10
researched answers: $20
correct answers: $100
actionable answers: $200


On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 05:06:38PM -0700, Yasha Karant wrote:
I fully realise that this is a SL list (along with the occasional
mention of RHEL, CentOS, etc.).  I currently am using X86-64 SL 7 on
my workstation.  Our primary research compute engine is using X86-64
SL 6 with MPI and Nvidia CUDA.  A colleague here refuses to allow
the migration from SL 6 to SL 7 despite my success in migrating my
workstation (with Mate as I personally dislike both Gnome 3 and KDE
Plasma having now had to use both).  Because my laptop is over 5
years old, I acquired a new HP ZBook 15 mobile workstation,
provisioned to support a 64 bit X86-64 OS.  I was planning to
install SL 7, but now need to decide between that and OpenSUSE 13.2
or possibly, if can we afford the licensing fee, SLES 12 or SLED 12.
I have looked at the OpenSUSE listserve more or less equivalent to
this one, and find fewer professional threads and discussions,
although it does seem considerably better than what I recall a
student showed me from Ubuntu (Debian derivative).  I am not asking
for any postings back to this list; however, is there anyone with SL
experience who also has OpenSUSE or SLES experience?  Advice would
be most appreciated.  I am going to be installing OpenSUSE 13.2 on
the new laptop, but backing off to SL 7 if it proves unsatisfactory.
I particularly am interested in OpenSUSE in production university or
research entity environments -- not enthusiast home use to replace,
say, MS Windows or even Mac OS X.

Yasha Karant

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