Yasha, this is getting tiresome - your continuing use of this mailing
list to obtain free technical support for (imho) bizarre problems or wishes -
most of them complete with pity pledges "please help me, our IT nazi would give 
me no soup"
(as in Soup Nazi, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Soup_Nazi, not the other, 
bad, nazis).

If your IT problems are real, and if they negatively affect
your work productivity, why don't you have the boss of your boss
have a talk with the boss of the boss of the IT departement's boss
to straighten it all out? If you work at a university, you must
know how this works.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 04:37:34PM -0700, Yasha Karant wrote:
> My desktop workstation (currently X86-64 SL 7) has only one 802.3
> physical port.  At my university, the IT gestapo will not allow the
> use of a local 802.3 repeater (switch or hub) but requires a valid
> NIC MAC address and will disconnect any changes.  I have no 802.11
> WNIC on my desktop workstation.  I just have obtained a new HP Zbook
> to run X86-64 Linux to replace my old mobile workstation (laptop)
> that was underprovisioned for 64 bit operation, had a worn out
> keyboard and pointing device, etc. (I regret to state that I am
> experimenting with OpenSUSE 13.2 on that machine for reasons beyond
> the subject matter of this post.)  The IT gestapo will not allow my
> workstation to serve as a HTTP server, etc. -- one cannot use scp,
> sftp, etc., for file transfer over the IT network from a desktop
> workstation (not a designated server).  I could attempt to transfer
> all of the files to the research network that has much less IT
> gestapo control -- but this is as tedious as what I am now doing.
> Hence, a question:
> Is there a software application utility that will convert a USB
> network between two machines running standard open systems protocols
> to allow file transfer between the two machines?  I am not referring
> to the methods used with an Android device, but with a regular Linux
> workstation.  A cursory search of such things on the web did not
> provide any insight.  At one time, UUCP would do this over a RS232
> point-to-point link (cable) -- will this approach still work over a
> USB (not RS232) link?  Is there something better than UUCP?
> Yasha Karant

Konstantin Olchanski
Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

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