Hi All,

Despite Red Hat's assurance that EL6 will be supported
till 2020, I am finding a lot of stuff that Red Hat
is not willing to fix in EL6, but is going to or already has
fixed in EL7.

I had SL7 on one of my machines for a while and I currently
have it in a VM on my main office machine.  I really like
it and think it is really well done.

Except that there is a problem that can not be worked around:
no Wine 32.

Despite how  much I like EL7, this makes EL7 completely and
utterly useless to me.  If I can not get my work done, I can
not get my work done.  It is what it is.  (My pleas to EPEL
and Wine have got me nowhere either.)

So, even thought I hate to, I think it is time to think of
parting ways with Red Hat.

Anyone know of a disto like EL so that I wold not lose all the
intellectual property I gains on EL Linux if I ultimately have
to leave EL?  Susie?  (Aren't the owned by M$ no-a-days?  Yikes!)
Be nice if it supported KVM too.

I have though of Fedora, which I also support, but it is really
not a good choice for a server.

Any sign of a Wine 32 project for EL7?  That would ultimately
solve the problem.

Sorry for rambling,

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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