On 05/24/2015 09:17 AM, Denice wrote:
On Sat, 23 May 2015, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 05/23/2015 12:24 PM, Denice wrote:

    $ rpm -i /path/to/epel/pangox-compat-0.0.2-2.el7.src.rpm
    $ cd /path/to/your/rpm/working/env
    $ setarch i686 rpmbuild -ba pangox-compat.spec

Hi Denice,

I am puzzling around a bit.  What is the difference between
the above and

  linux32 rpmbuild --rebuild pangox-compat-0.0.2-2.el7.src.rpm

I have been doing a lot of the linux32 lately, but I am not
all the sure of exactly what it does.  (I know, read the
man page!)

With '--rebuild' you never take the .src.rpm package apart.  With '-ba'
you would have 'installed' the .src.rpm file and you have a chance
to inspect the spec file, and make any changes to it if needed, in which
case you would have bumped the release number and added a changelog
entry. Then you have a new .src.rpm file as well.  Otherwise there is no

cheers, etc.

Thank you!

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