BINGO! That fixed it! 

thnx! :-D 

--- Original Message ---
From: John Pilkington <>
Subject: Re: Are There Working CheckSums For SL LiveDVD?
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2015

On 07/06/15 14:56, Tini wrote:
> I wanted to try,
> but the two checksums are invalid.
> 9cc64db53fbb5b1bb7cc838eb59563921bd9f7b7
> SL-66-i386-2014-11-09-LiveDVD.md5sum
> bd575af4452d24401541eee8a653f82521186d4a8f78afbe83d6bd6bf9c6ba13
> SL-66-i386-2014-11-09-LiveDVD.md5sum
> I get "no properly formatted MD5 checksum lines found"
> Are there any working tags for "SL-66-i386-2014-11-09-LiveDVD.md5sum"?

The web pages that I see give SHA1 and SHA256 sums, not an md5 sum

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