On 07/01/2015 03:23 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:
On 01/07/15 04:25, toddandmargo wrote:

---- On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 14:41:41 -0700 *Konstantin Olchanski
<olcha...@triumf.ca>* wrote ----

     On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 06:59:29PM -0700, ToddAndMargo wrote:
     > Is Modula2 available for SL 6 and 7?

     pascal -> modula-2 -> oberon -> java -> go

Maybe I should just give up and learn Perl

These days Python and Perl are pretty safe languages which usually is
part of most basic Linux installations.  If you extend it to the BSD
family, Perl is safest.

However Python most likely have an easier learning curve than Perl.
Both languages are, IMHO, good alternatives.  But I generally find
Python code much easier to to read.  Performance wise, they can both
perform very well.

If you have no Python experience at all, I can recommend this book:

I have found that the biggest issue I have with Perl is folks
trying to cram the sun, the moon, and stars all on to one
line.  I much prefer to break things up into several line
to make them as self documenting as possible.

But at least I can figure Perl out most of the time when
I see it.  I have a harder time with C and I know I shouldn't

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