On 27/07/15 00:59, dgr...@ieee.org wrote:
> Gnome is no longer a pleasing desktop, hence Mate.
> Why did Gnome become something one would not like to have in the home?

I didn't like GNOME 3 Shell much in the beginning.  But I actually gave it a
fair chance, and tried to learn the new ways of doing things.  And to my
biggest surprise, I do like it far better than the alternatives.  In my most
GNOME annoyed moment, I also did try XFCE, KDE and Cinnamon (gave each at
least a week of usage, aiming for minimum 2 weeks) But when I came back to
GNOME 3, I added a few extensions and then I began to get satisfied.

The tweaks I usually ensure I have installed and enabled are:

Applications menu
Launch new instance
No topleft hot corner
Pixel saver or Maximus Two

Nice to have extensions:
Alternative status menu
Native window placement
Places status indicator
Recent items
Window Buttons (when using Maximus Two)

If you miss the list of open windows, there is the 'Window list' extension
which gives you exactly that.

With this, I am actually working far more efficient than I did before.  But it
took a little while to get used to it.  Nowadays I cannot imagine using
anything else than GNOME 3.

For the MATE approach, I find that clinging to old technology is the wrong
approach.  Then I think Cinnamon actually have taken the right step.  Use the
new technology to present things differently on the screen.  If you want the
true GNOME 2 experience, then SL 6 is the alternative.  But that's my opinion.

kind regards,

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