I've played with compiling it which didn't work at all. I found and tested a SL6 RPM which did put the option in the right click menu to extract or add to archive, but when clicked it didn't do anything. Is there anyone getting this to work in thunar? Otherwise I generally like Thunar, but coming from Windows with 7zip rightclick options, working with archives is unbearably clunky. Right now I run Directory Opus in Crossover with 7zip, and this is less of a pain for dealing with archives, but has other issues.

Failing all of that - is there a better filemanager with features like Directory Opus that I might use on SL7.1, hopefully including a location path, optional dual lister, and right click extract or add to zip or archive? I'd like to use it in XFCE though.

James Pulver
CLASSE Computer Group
Cornell University

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