Dear Sir:

We are building a new server and decided to use SL 6.7
The system is a quad core AMD with 32 G Ram and 5 T bytes of disk space.
The OS is installed on the sda1 - 10
/engr is installed on sdb1
/mysql is install on sdc1
/backup01 is on sdd1
/backup02 is on sde1

The install progresses normally till it get to sde1 
        it appears to finish the format correctly and
        when it come time to mount the device we get the following:

"An ERROR Occurred Mounting /dev/sde1  /backup02 mount failed (9,none)  This 
is a fatal error and install cannot continue."

Disk and cable have been swapped,  Port has been swapped.  Problem does not 
follow port or hardware.
The first time it occurred Saturday we were able to do a walk back but were 
not able to save anything as network had not been configured, but we could do 
a walk back but couldn't  file a bug report.   
The thing we noticed is that the second argument of all functions was empty.   
Meaning a void !!! or a null string ??

Second time with a known good disk for sde and another port on mother board 
the error occurred again.

The third time with new disk sde, cable, port it gave the same error message 
but with Network set up so we could capture the problem.  This time we were 
not able to do a walk back.  The only option was to reboot and we are back to 
square 1.

Any Ideas would be appreciated.
Thank You
Larry Linder

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