If you have kept home directories and custom non-standard-distros applications and support files on other than the system partitions (or the equivalent if you are using a disk with too much capacity to use the older partition methods), e.g., /home, /opt, /usr/local, and the like, then simply use the install media to install into typical systems partitions (e.g., /usr , /boot , ... ) and you will be operational. If you are statically configuring the NIC/WNIC and Internat access configuration files (e.g., the actual IPv4, IPv6 address configuration information for the NIC/s, etc.), then simply installing into the other partitions as required should result in a working system. Note that I use gparted to convert the overwritten partitions to a "newer" format (such as XFS), Upon reboot, all of the older applications and previous home directories should be present. Note also that if the older applications require specific .so files or utilities (older loader, etc.), these must be obtained and installed .

Yasha Karant

On 05/12/2016 01:19 PM, John Black wrote:
Is there away to upgrade with yum form SL 6x to SL 7x?

Thank you


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