Thanks for the tip.  Grog outputs

  groff -t -man

which is what 'man -t' does.  So, the error is still there.  The error
description explicitly says how to fix the problem.

  error: page 11: table will not fit on one page; use .TS H/.TH with a
  supporting macro package

If I read this right, it says to add troff markup to the man page source
and to rerun groff with one or more additional packages.

Chasing this down will take me too far afield.  The firewalld site has
the man pages in html and they print nicely via the browser.

On 06/24/2016 11:23 PM, James Cloos wrote:
"KT" == Ken Teh <> writes:

KT> Does anyone know enough groff to help me print this man page?
KT> # man -t firewall-cmd > /tmp/

Copy the source man page to someplace like /tmp, run grog on it to see
what options are required (for things like tables, equations and the
like) and then add -Txhtml or -Thtml to the arguments.

grohtml specifies an extremely long page length (infinite is
unavailable) so the table should work.

And then use a browser to print the x?html.


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