I suggest trying anaconda from continuum analytics.  It installs into /opt and 
provides its own ecosytem, ie, all the support libraries it needs.  Because of 
this, it will run on an SL6 machine.  The install script does give you the 
option of installing it under a different root.  It provides numpy, scipy, 
matplotlib, pandas, jupyter, etc., for data analysis, and pretty much whatever 
else you need.  It comes in a python 2.7 and python 3.5 version. I used the 3.5 
version and can vouch for it.  If it doesn't have a package you can simply 
install it by running its version of pip and it will install it into its 
ecosystem.  But, I've actually never had it do it because its included packages 
is quite complete.

On 07/30/2016 09:01 PM, P. Larry Nelson wrote:
To the two Stevens,

Thanks for the possible solutions to this!

However, I did hear back from the grad student and his response was:

"I'm installing some python packages and need a higher version of numpy, which asks 
for python 2.7.  I'll try on CERN system. Thanks!"

Hopefully that's the last I'll hear of it....  :-)
I have 4 weeks left with the U of I, I'm totally consumed working on another
project involving Docker and Shifter, and don't really have the time nor the
wherewithal to deal with it.

- Larry

Steven J. Yellin wrote on 7/30/16 8:20 PM:
    Another way is to get Python-2.7.12.tar.xz from
https://www.python.org/downloads/, extract into directory Python-2.7.12 with
'tar -xJf Python-2.7.12.tar.xz', and see its README file for what to do next to
get it in /usr/local.

Steven Yellin

On Sun, 31 Jul 2016, Steven Haigh wrote:

You can look at virtualenv from EPEL.

You can install a separate python environment in a users home directory.

On 31/07/16 09:36, P. Larry Nelson wrote:
Hi all,

Please don't shoot the questioner (me), as I have no experience with
Python, other than knowing "what" it is and that my SL6.8 systems have
version 2.6.6 installed.

I have been asked by one of our Professors that one of his grad students
apparently needs Python 2.7.x installed on our cluster (optimally in
/usr/local, which is an NFS mounted dir everywhere).

In my brief Googling, I have not found OS requirements for 2.7.x, but
have inferred that it probably needs SL7.x.

Can anyone confirm that?
Or has anyone installed Python 2.7.x (and which .x?) on an SL6.8 system
without replacing 2.6.x?

I'm guessing this can be quite a morass to delve into as when I do a
'rpm -qa|grep -i python|wc'
It returns with 67 rpms with python in the rpm name!

If the solution is indeed simple, I might proceed, otherwise, I'm
of a tendency to reply to the Professor and student, "No way - won't work."
I think the student probably has access to CERN systems that probably
have what he's looking for.

I've followed up with that inquiry to the student and waiting to hear back.

- Larry

Steven Haigh

Email: net...@crc.id.au
Web: https://www.crc.id.au
Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897

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