With Linux there is always another way.
At our museum we run SL7 for the servers and SL6 for the desktops.
EXCEPT, I sneaked in a SL7 Mate Desktop and no one noticed the difference (they 
are just users).
I notice the difference, but then I have weird requirements.

BTW At least you were saved from "Death by PowerPoint/Impress" ;-)
-----Original message-----
> From:Keith Lofstrom <>
> Sent: Tuesday 11th October 2016 18:43
> To:
> Subject: Amusing/Sad Gnome3/Wayland story
> Last week, a leader of the Gnome project spoke to our 
> local Linux user's group.  He had a new Lenovo laptop
> running Gnome 3 with the Wayland replacement for X.  He
> could NOT get his HDMI port working with our projector;
> that's the first time we've had that problem in years.
> I offered my ancient SL6/Gnome2 laptop, but he demurred
> and went without slides.  It seems that the Gnomesters
> are building another incompatible tool, this one to
> replace LibreOffice Impress.
> ----
> Harrumph.  If and when support for SL6 ends, and I must
> upgrade my laptop to SL7, I will use MATE.  The Gnome
> project has lost touch with reality.
> Keith
> -----
> Keith Lofstrom
> -----
> Don't waste your vote in 2016!  Give it to the Republicans
> and Democrats, and they will gladly waste it for you!

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