Thanks Connie,

I looked on our mirror. Apparently, they've not bother to host the SRPMS folder. Another instance of "use the source, Ken!".

Thanks again!

On 01/12/2017 02:59 PM, Connie Sieh wrote:

There was a discussion on the issue of srpms or lack of in SL7.  I don't build
packages much so did not pay attention to it.  I am now in need of an srpm that
shows how a particular rpm was built.  Specifically, the stuff in the spec file.
 I need the package for a Fedora 25 system where it is not available except as
a tarball.

Is there a quick write-up on how one handles this nowadays setting aside the
pros and cons of this issue?


There is no lack of srpms for SL7 because we create srpms out of the "src" code
that RedHat provides.  RedHat does not provide publicly downloadable srpms for
RHEL 7 like they used to.  RHEL 7 srpms are available if one has a RHEL 7

SL 7 srpms are available at

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