Great, didn't know that about rpmfusion now doing el7. Anyone know if nux-desktop repo and rpmfusion can be mixed together? It's not mentioned on their FAQ.

On 2017-01-26 21:32, John Pilkington wrote:
On 26/01/17 20:02, Yasha Karant wrote:
Yesterday afternoon, I did a successful update from production 7.2 to
production 7.3 through yumex.  In addition to the SL production
repositories, I use the epel, elrepo, and google-chrome repositories for
specific add-ons, including nvidia support.  I only use kernels from
SL.  Although the update was slow, it taking a very long time for the
nvidia portion to complete cleanup (I left after a 5 minute wait), when
I came back this morning, everything appears to be working, including
applications that have not been touched since I first installed SL 7
(e.g., UCSF chimera, Weizmann grace).  The machine to which this was
done has a 802.3 wired connection to a USA university research
backbone.  The next thing to update is my laptop that has a 802.11
connection to a production network, significantly lower data rate.  Is
there any way to get a list of the required RPMs, download and burn
these to a DVD, and then have yumex use the DVDs, only going to the
network to get additional RPMs that turn out to be needed?

Yasha Karant

# cat /var/log/yum.log ?

yumex History shows I had 453 packages initially, then 86 more
security packages after a reboot.  I also had 1 auto and one manual
update of the same google-chrome-stable package earlier today.  Seems

rpmfusion announced support for el7 today.  Switching from nux looks
as if it could be 'interesting'

John P

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