On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 7:49 AM, Lars Behrens <lars.behr...@kit.edu> wrote:
> After copying a system like I have done a million times before (but only
> with debianic, suse or arch systems) by
> * starting a live system on the target
> * copy the origin to mounted target device
> * chroot afterwards
> * adapt /etc/fstab and hosts/hostname files
> * install and config grub.
> after reboot I cannot log in to the resulting system neither as root nor
> as user.
> When I set selinux to permissive it works. So I am missing some basic thing.

It's probably a relabel issue.

You can either run, while chrooted, "touch ./autorelabel" (and the
relabel will happen at reboot) or "fixfiles relabel" (and the relabel
will happen within the chroot).

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