As usual we are always behind.

We own a cad package that runs fine on SL 5.11 but will not run on SL
6.9.  When you run it on 6.9 It complains about missing libs. If you do
a "whereis" on the "the missing lib" - it finds it.
>From what I could get from google searches it apears that the cad
package is using 32 libraries.  Is thee any way around this problem.  If
I get the 32 bit libs and put them in /usr/lib it would destroy
the  /usr/lib libraries that are already present.
Interesting problem.  The Cad Package was expensive and it runs
perfectly but we need to move to 6.9.
Is there anyway to determine if a lib is 32 bits or 64 bits without
recompiling sorce and making new libs.  

We have MVWare and can install SL 5.11 under it and run cad package
there but it is not the direction we want to go.  We still have some SW
that runs under Windows 2000 Professional that way. 

The new version of this Cad package is now a vonthly / yearly
subscription and you have to login to their web site to run the new
package.  Our internet is down and a slow AT&T service in rural area.
Sometimes we cannot access the Cad Package and work stops.
AT&T now offers a dish connection to cell towers with 300 meg speeds for
$50/mo but not in our area yet.
We are looking for a new Cad Package from another vender that we can buy
and not be bled monthly.  

Thank You
Larry Linder

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