On 07/11/17 22:17, ToddAndMargo wrote:
On 11/07/2017 01:40 PM, John Pilkington wrote:
On 07/11/17 20:45, ToddAndMargo wrote:
On 11/07/2017 04:07 AM, John Pilkington wrote:
On 07/11/17 11:11, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Dear List,

SL 7.4

What am I doing wrong?

$ rpmbuild --rebuild simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
Installing simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
error: line 25: Unknown tag: Recommends:     yelp

$ rpm -qa yelp\*

Many thanks,

You could try editing the specfile to 'Requires' ?

Thank you and  was afraid of that.

I have a specfile (for MythTV) that works in mock under fc25 in builds for both SL7 and fc25.  It's based on one from rpmfusion and includes the lines

Requires:  python-MythTV
%{?fedora:Recommends:  mesa-vdpau-drivers}

But that might be using an rpmfusion macro.  And of course other problems might emerge;  fc27 is several steps away from el7.


Hi John,

At some point I am going to have to break down and learn
how to make my own RPMs.

What got me here was that "yelp" is installed and I am
being tagged for it being missing.  Something else to

I think the problem is that rpmbuild for el7 doesn't understand 'Recommends:'. As Tom H said, it's new. Iff that's the only problem you can perhaps just comment out that line - but IIUC you will need to build a new src.rpm from the edited specfile, and then try to rebuild from that.

But I suspect that a bare 'Recommends:' implies that no build for el7 from the fc27 srpm has yet succeeded.

I should probably add your "%{?fedora" tag all over the place.

Thank you for the help!

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