On 2018-05-12 04:29, jdow wrote:
On 20180511 21:26, jdow wrote:
I have yum-conf-sl7x.noarch installed. 7.5 seems to be out. But yum update still leaves the system declaring it is 7.4.

{o.o}   Joanne

At least that's what I get on one system. The other is still declaring 7.3:

[... /etc]$ cat /etc/yum/vars/slreleasever

Shouldn't that read 7.x or something else if it's really following 7x?

I've found that sometimes yum-conf-sl7x doesn't properly update /etc/yum/vars/slreleasever. I suspect it might be because that file is shared/co-owned by yum-conf-sl7x and sl-release packages, and yum seems sometimes to get confused as to whether the config file should be updated or not. That happened on a few of my systems going from 7.3 to 7.4, but not with the recent 7.4 to 7.5 update. My fix was to copy the updated slreleasever file from an updated system to one that wasn't updating. Someone else has suggested removing and reinstalling the yum-conf-sl7x package: https://www.mail-archive.com/scientific-linux-users@fnal.gov/msg04927.html

If all else fails, you could try manually updating the slreleasever file:  echo 7.5 > /etc/yum/vars/slreleasever

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <grde...@scrc.umanitoba.ca>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:    http://www.scrc.umanitoba.ca/
Dept. of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Univ. of Manitoba  Winnipeg, MB  R3E 0J9  (Canada)

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