
On 07/13/2018 07:22 AM, Manuel Sanchez wrote:
> Greetings to the whole community; I have installed version 6.5 but I
> need to know how to call the different servers or services and where are
> the directories of the configuration files; to facilitate the answer I
> try to simplify the text:
> -Server DNS: Bind?                      Dir.: .
service named

> -Server DHCP: Apache?           Dir.: .
service: httpd

> -Server FTP/SMB: Samba?         Dir.: .
FTP really depends on what you are using.

service samba

> -Server SSH: LDap???            Dir.: .
LDAP really depends on what you are using (eg: idm, ipa, sssd, ect)

service sshd

> -Server Intranet/Net:???                Dir.: .

I have no idea what you are asking here.

> -Server SQL: MySQL?             Dir.: .
service mysqld


I think...been too long since I messed with it. If I remember correctly,
mariadb also uses the same config...

> -Server Proxy: Squid?           Dir.: .

service squid

It's been far too long since I did anything with squid. You will have to
hit up the man page.

> -Server Domain: ???                     Dir.: .

service ???


> Thank you.

You're welcome. :-)


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