None of yours got mangled (at least in my copy of your email) but scrolling down I see the URL in my sig is now ProofPointed as well as my URLs in the quoted part of your response.
The Fermilab ProofPoint settings seem to be a bit mysterious.

Serguei Mokhov wrote on 7/24/18 1:54 PM:
Certainly a counterproductive decision for Fermilab and the mailing
list users. Not to mention privacy-violation redirecting to 3rd party
trackers... I'd admit with this URL mangling, I'd be more reluctant to
click URLs in the emails :)

Let's see if these gets mangled:

and URLs in sig...


On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 2:45 PM, P. Larry Nelson <> wrote:
Hmmm, my copy sure doesn't look like HTML format.
I surrender....

P. Larry Nelson wrote on 7/24/18 1:44 PM:
Same test only now I've composed in HTML format.
Same URL:

P. Larry Nelson wrote on 7/24/18 1:40 PM:
I concur with the previous posts about ProofPoint.
The U of I campus implemented this several years ago.
I complained.  Fell on deaf ears.

Implemented by our security folks.  Rationale being that 99% of the
campus email users (i.e., using the campus Exchange server) are either too
lazy and/or too unaware of the dangers of blindly clicking on a URL in their

However, U of I email with a URL in the message body shows the real URL
(in blue and underlined - unless the URL is hidden via the html "<a href="
construct), but when you move the mouse pointer over the URL, (at least in
Thunderbird) the bottom horizontal box of T-bird (I'm sure it has a more
official name) then shows the long obfuscated urldefense URL.

So, in our case, one can just copy/paste the URL in the message body to a
browser and NOT go thru ProofPoint.

The other aspect of the U of I's ProofPoint config is that it only
affects email composed in HTML format, and since I generally loathe doing
that unless absolutely necessary, I almost always compose in ASCII mode.

So, I suppose this might be a test of how Fermilab has implemented
ProofPoint as I will now include a rather well known URL here
and see how it arrives in your inbox.


P. Larry Nelson (217-693-7418) | IT Administrator Emeritus
810 Ventura Rd.                | High Energy Physics Group
Champaign, IL  61820           | Physics Dept., Univ. of Ill.
MailTo:   |

  "Information without accountability is just noise."  - P.L. Nelson

P. Larry Nelson (217-693-7418) | IT Administrator Emeritus
810 Ventura Rd.                | High Energy Physics Group
Champaign, IL  61820           | Physics Dept., Univ. of Ill.
MailTo:   |
 "Information without accountability is just noise."  - P.L. Nelson

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