
Thank you very much! I tried that. I got the output:

IPv6: ADDRCONF: enp4s0 link is not ready
48169: enp4s0 link down
IPv6: link is down
Netfilter messages via NETLINK
ip_set:protocol 6
[OK] Started Account Service
Starting Accounts Service...
Starting Authorization Manager
[FAILED] Failed to start Authorization Manager
See 'systemctl status polkit.service' for details.
Then it hangs with "A start job is running for Accounts Service)
and it soon goes to a black screen, and I have to forcibly shut down the 

I was recommended to try to update the polkit.service, but I don't have a 
terminal available to do a yum install since the screen goes black. The fan is 
running and the computer is on, but there is no response.

Thank you very much for any suggestions!

Jieun Yoo

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