Cannot read crystal ball as it is just a cloud at the moment.

As an industrial users RH has be a point of stability in the Linux

I don't need the latest SW I just need it to be consistent and reliable.

Several of our servers have run several years between shut downs due to
periodic maint.  

As a SL user from SL 4 to SL7.6 I have a lot invested in our systems -
we are not funded by any Gov. and it all comes out of our pocket.

We have invested in a number of cad packages for Linux and they mostly
run on RH 5, 6 , 7.

We have to support projects that are 20 years of more old.  We do this
with VMware on our SL 6.9 server and clients. We can run DOS to Windows
10, Mac stuff and keep our unix file system in an organized manner.
Projects stated in 1992 - current.

I started out with BSD 4.2 on a Convex super computer supporting 30 some
users running simulations of aircraft and jet engine control.  We used
this as tool for FAA Certification to make sure the imbedded SW and the
engineering design intent were consistent and dynamically tracked.  This
was 1985.

As a private company we need the stability and consistency of a
commercial  product supported by a Gov agency for long term stability.

Will we stay with CentOS is a big ? and looking at the Windows 10 moron
aware SW and the illogical file system.  Without SL we will have to make
the decision in a year or so.

Immediate plan is to update all 6.x machines, and 7.x machines to latest
version and wait.  Can't afford to be on the bleeding edge.

I am going back to work - One more pain the posterior.

Larry Linder

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