I had tftp-secure when testing manually.  And I was running dnsmasq in the 
foreground as root in verbose mode so I could see what it was doing with 
to pxe requests.

I probably forgot the admonition about tftp-secure and assumed it was like the 
'-s' option on in.tftpd which does a chroot. Seems strange that dnsmasq would 
admonish running as root when syslinux-tftpboot installs its files as owned by 

I didn't do anything with dnsmasq.conf. Instead, I added a dhcp.conf and 
pxe.conf to dnsmasq.d to do dhcp/dns and pxe.  I solved it by using the 
user=root directive.

On 5/17/19 10:33 AM, Tom H wrote:
> On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 3:07 PM Teh, Kenneth M.
> <00000864eace5c83-dmarc-requ...@listserv.fnal.gov> wrote:
>> On 5/16/19 9:23 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>>> On 5/16/19 1:23 PM, Teh, Kenneth M. wrote:
>>>> Systemd continues to baffle me.
>>>> I've set up a router machine that provides pxe boot and tftp
>>>> services on a private network with dnsmasq. Pxeboot works if I
>>>> run dnsmasq manually, but not when I turn on the service with
>>>> systemctl.
>>>> I can't think through its layers of obtuseness and would
>>>> appreciate someone with a fresher brain to point me in the right
>>>> direction.
>>> You don't give us much to work with. When you start it manually,
>>> what exactly do you run? What does 'journalctl -u dnsmasq' report?
>>> Anything else that might be relevant?
>> Sorry. You're right. A moment of exasperation and frustration with
>> systemd whose bits of config/info are strewn all over the place
>> instead of everything in init.d. I guess I resent learning new ways
>> of doing old things. Must be my age. :)
>> Turned out the problem is dnsmasq's tftp module has no permission
>> to read pxelinux.0 even though the file is 0644. Checked audit.log
>> for possible selinux problem. Nothing.
>> Everything in /var/lib/tftpboot is selinux type tftpdir_rw_t except
>> for pxelinux.0 (plus a few more) which are cobbler_var_lib_t. Tried
>> an semanage fcontext/restorecon to change it just to see if dnsmasq
>> would read it. Doesn't change. Nothing in journalctl. Used chcon.
>> Changes it. But dnsmasq still cannot read the file.
>> Finally set dnsmasq to run as root in its config. Works. Only thing
>> I can think of is dnsmasq which apparently runs as nobody when
>> started from systemd cannot read files it does not own.
> 1) From the manpage
> --tftp-secure
> Enable TFTP secure mode: without this, any file which is readable by
> the dnsmasq process under normal unix access-control rules is
> available via TFTP. When the --tftp-secure flag is given, only files
> owned by the user running the dnsmasq process are accessible. If
> dnsmasq is being run as root, different rules apply: --tftp-secure
> has no effect, but only files which have the world-readable bit set
> are accessible. It is not recommended to run dnsmasq as root with
> TFTP enabled, and certainly not without specifying --tftp-root. Doing
> so can expose any world-readable file on the server to any host on
> the net.
> Are you using this option?
> 2) When you were testing and running it manually, were you setting
> command-line options or were you simply using the options in
> "/etc/dnsmasq.conf" like the systemd unit?

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