On 11/09/2019 13:46, Dobos, Tamas wrote:
> Dear Scientific Linux users/contributors,
> Our product is currently based on SL 6.10 and we are looking for the 
> information whether it is possible to have long term support from Security 
> point of view after SL6 will reach EOL. 
> I know that RHEL 6 ELS will be continued after November 30, 2020 till June 
> 30, 2024 for additional subscription.
> Unfortunately upgrading to SL7 would be costly for us.
> Do you know whether we can get Extended Life-cycle Support for the SL6 
> somehow?

I would suggest having a talk with Red Hat about migrating your SL6 systems to
RHEL-6 systems.  Then you can sign up for the RHEL-6 ELS with them.

I have a hard time imagine anyone in the community would spend lots of time
and energy of their already restricted budgets (both in time and money
perspective) to help you save some money.  Which is why I rather recommend you
have a talk with Red Hat, as they do allocate time and resources to deliver
such a product already.

Just my 2cents.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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