
        I chose to install SL because it was forked from Red Hat and thus
compatible with the Intel Quartus FPGA IDE. I also liked that it came
from a purely scientific community.Regards,
Tom Eastlake
Cleveland, OH, USA

        -----------------------------------------From: "Peter Willis" 

To: scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov
Sent: Monday February 24 2020 9:09:27AM
Subject: Who Uses Scientific Linux, and How/Why?



        The variation in uses of t Scientific Linux is quite interesting.

        As mentioned before, we are using it for fluid dynamics modelling and
oceanography, in the context of parallel computing with OpenMP and

        I am curious to see what everyone else have been using it for.

        Perhaps, if it’s not too much trouble, people on the list might
give a short blurb about how they use it and why.

        Maybe also mention others they know who are using it who are not on
this list.


        >I'm no scientist, just an electronics guy who do a lot of research
in RF (as hobby, mostly testing antennas for ham radio in VHF bands)
from Argentina.


        >Fot SL the most "well done" linux distribution, for people who
simply knows.


        >Will look forward to move to another distribution.



        >>I'm an independent electronics inventor, heavily dependent
>>on both competent software and competent laboratory science,
>>both for the knowledge I depend on and the tools I use to
>>transform that knowledge into products and services for
>>my customers. 

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