On Sat, 25 Apr 2020, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 1:38 AM Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote:

Does anyone know how secure (safe, not malware, spyware, etc.) is Snaps?
Please see below.  Certain applications that are not available for EL but
from other distros, particularly Ubuntu, evidently can be installed via
Snaps.  Epel is a standard EL repo, but Snaps is not.

Never heqrd of them. This does not bode well. "Containerized packages"
hints that they're docker based and will "solve packaging" sounds like...
somebody reading Ayn Rand, or Karl Marx, and htinks they learned economics.
Having actually packaged and configured various software, I'm deeply
usspicious that they did the easy part and sell that.

I tried snaps briefly on a home Ubuntu (19.04 IIRC) machine.
I don't remember whether then were docker or singularity, but they definitely were containers and each "package" was a file that
was (loop-back?) mounted under /snap (or /snaps).

However I had to abandon them almost immediately as they didn't
support my particular home directory. For possibly good reasons
homedirs have to be /home/<username> and not symbolic links.
(For reasons of dual boot and having added a second disk my home dir was a sym-link). That struck me as a potentially significant limitation for institutional use: in my experience automounters often result in sym-linked homedirs.

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK

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