What we did.
We commisioned a number of new boxes to Sl 6.10.  We also updated our
server over the weekend.  When we found out the server could not see
other boxes on our network.  We used yum to upgrade sama and smbserver
and that did not fix problem.

When I did a search on the internet for the problem.  There were a
number of reports from other distributions of linux 6.10 with the same

I tried their recommended fix but did not work.
They added aline into smb.conf.
   client max protocol = NT1  

They also indicated that windows 10 had an issue with samba.  Several of
our laptops running a stripped Windows 10 can see the server but not

My problem goes deeper than just samba.
On sel 6.8 server we were able to see all of the workgroops and all of
the Linux boxes running 6.8 and 7.6 and able to connect.
Now the server only sees its self and no windows "workgroup" systems.

Our UPS shipping box used to show up on the server and other linux boxes
but no more.

ssh and scp all work and recognize each other.

Our decision just to update SL to 6.10 was due to a group decision.
Collectively they did not like the sl 7.6 desktop and a number of
needles changes that did not improve their ability to work.  We tried
Cent 8.0 on a test box and it was a worthless - a video game but nothing
worked behind it.

We looked at the end of life for sl 6 as 2024 and thought it gave us a
lot of time to find another linux or BSD that we could use.
The problem with the developers is that they never use it, run an
engineering shop and small factory that generates a good revenue stream.
They move the frunature around and change the "eye candy" but basically
do not fix operability issues  and connectivity.
Marketing is busy selling a Cloud applications and databases driven by a
quadraplegic desktop.  You move the problem from a local server to the
great server in the sky "Cloud". Wooppee.

In years past I had a Convex 64 bit system running BSD 4.2 and I could
link C, Fortran, ADA and other applications without a problem.  It had
an incredible rev control package that allows users to check out files
or view or edit or make various simulations.  One gate keeper was
required to run it.  It had 64 parocessors running in parallel and 5
disk controller in parallel driving a large Raid 5 disk array.  It ran
flawlessly for many years.  We kept it in lock step with a SUN server a
1000 miles away without a problem.
In a few years the powers to be thought it too expensive compared to a
flock of IBM desktops that could do nothing but word smithing.  When
they made their decision - I just packed up my desk drawer, removed my
name tag from the office wall and wished them well.

Larry Linder

On Thu, 2020-06-11 at 13:23 +0000, Patrick Riehecky wrote:
> Hi Carel,
> Thanks for the report!  We will need to look into what is going on
> there.  This is unexpected.
> Pat
> On Thu, 2020-06-11 at 10:19 +0000, Werf, C.G. van der (Carel) wrote:
> > Is there any reason why website 
> > https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.scientificlinux.org_&d=DwIDaQ&c=gRgGjJ3BkIsb5y6s49QqsA&r=gd8BzeSQcySVxr0gDWSEbN-P-pgDXkdyCtaMqdCgPPdW1cyL5RIpaIYrCn8C5x2A&m=k0X7sGQQ8m0rUsj7iWpOwhLHxk6NOVanwu-sWq63Yjw&s=MIngPRLbQZCa06VDiDy3WaxaW5YPigXrBGyyPeIhfcM&e=
> >   is
> > not being updated anymore ?
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > e.g.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > “List of SL Security Errata” ends on Feb 26.
> > 
> > Version list is not updated with SL 7.8
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Carel van der Werf
> > 
> > 

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