Ken, et al.,

I believe you can build your own and publish it to Dockerhub - unless their policies have changed.

It's been 4 years since I retired and worked with Docker containers, so I haven't touched Docker since as I no longer have access to my linux systems. But I created the first "generic" SL6 container for Dockerhub and published it there myself. It's a basic SL6.8 build, whereas all of the other SL6 containers on Dockerhub at the time were very specialized builds. I believe Lynn Garren at Fermilab was using it as well. I built mine for use on Cray supercomputer platforms to run ATLAS experiment jobs. It's basically a clone I built of one of my interactive login nodes of my Tier3 cluster.

It might still be there at lnelson/test:v4. Dunno how long they keep old containers. But, of course, it's woefully out of date now and hasn't been updated with patches.

Seems the best course of action would be to build an SL6 system just the way you want it with all the legacy apps you need and then clone it with Docker and publish it to Dockerhub. I think (but not sure) you can restrict access to it after publishing to Dockerhub.
- Larry

Teh, Kenneth M. wrote on 7/24/20 8:46 AM:

I'm trying to preserve a legacy application inside an SL6 container so some of 
our staff (mostly emeriti) can continue to use it after the November deadline 
on an SL7 or CentOS8 machine. There may be more apps that I am unaware of.  
That's why I asked.  If you plan to remove the sl6 base image from docker, then 
I need to preserve a copy somehow or learn to build one from scratch using an 
archive sl6 repo, or maybe even preserve a full sl6 repo myself.

If it's not too much trouble, please consider keeping the sl6 image around 
after the November deadline. Perhaps make a final version that binds the yum 
repos in the container to the archive locations.

If this is out of the question, please be frank and say so up front. Then, I 
will know what I need to do to set up what I need to possibly build other sl6 
containers after the November deadline.

Any comments or words of advice are appreciated so I know what I'm up against.

Thanks for all your efforts in maintaining SL.  It was a great run. I've been 
using you guys since SL4, late 90s(?).

From: Patrick Riehecky <>
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 8:31 AM
To: scientific-linux-users; Teh, Kenneth M.
Subject: Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] recommended sl6 containers

The plan is to retire the SL6 docker image once SL6 is end of life.

With no one watching the security updates and the repos moved over to
  I'm not sure
the image would have any useful function.


On Fri, 2020-07-24 at 10:30 +0000, Teh, Kenneth M. wrote:
After this November's end of life for SL6, will you continue to make
the sl6 image available on docker hub?

From: Teh, Kenneth M. <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 8:15 AM
To: Patrick Riehecky; scientific-linux-users
Subject: Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] recommended sl6 containers

Thanks.  I've pulled it (I think).

From: Patrick Riehecky <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 8:01 AM
To: Teh, Kenneth M.; scientific-linux-users
Subject: Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] recommended sl6 containers


We've got official images in Docker Hub[1]


On Wed, 2020-07-22 at 11:20 +0000, Teh, Kenneth M. wrote:
Getting my feet wet with containers.  Does SL have its own registry
of SL6 and 7 container images? If not, can someone recommend a
reliable image?


P. Larry Nelson (217-693-7418) | IT Administrator Emeritus
810 Ventura Rd.                | High Energy Physics Group
Champaign, IL  61820           | Physics Dept., Univ. of Ill.
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 "Information without accountability is just noise."  - P.L. Nelson, 04/06/2001

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