CentOS 8  Linux@CERN


On 2020/12/18 0:17, James F Amundson wrote:
CERN and Fermilab acknowledge the recent decision to shift focus from CentOS 
Linux to CentOS Stream, and the sudden change of the end of life of the CentOS 
8 release. This may entail significant consequences for the worldwide particle 
physics community. We are currently investigatingĀ togetherĀ the best path 
forward. We will keep you informed about any developments in this area during 
Q1 2021.

James Amundson, Fermilab Scientific Computing Division Head

Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy, Fermilab Chief Information Officer

James Amundson*

/Head, Scientific Computing Division/

Office of the CIO

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

+1 (630) 840-2430 office

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