From below:
If you like the RH user interface, just get the gnome-session-flashback package. It's a slightly updated gnome-2 environment.
End excerpt.

Ubuntu has many window management user interfaces. If one likes Gnome 2, also consider MATE that is available and works under LTS (the "enterprise" version of Ubuntu).
I use MATE rather than any of the default current Ubuntu GUI desktops.

On 2/4/21 4:13 PM, Arthur H. Edwards wrote:
I don't know how welcome this point of view is, but, here goes.

I started on RH 4.1, back before kernel modules, before ppp was part of the 
kernel, etc (1997). After a brief detour to suse, I changed to Debian and 
stayed there for ten years. The package management system is way cleaner than 
RH, and the system organization is also simpler.  I left Debian for Ubuntu as 
soon as I new about it because I got tired of debating how many GPL-licensed 
angels could dance on the head of a pin. Ubuntu has been great-- aside from 
some temporary interface issues. The only reasons I have used SL, or any other 
RH derivative recently, were workplace requirements. Ubuntu has encryption 
capabilities that require licenses, and we are fighting that fight right now.. 
Ubuntu is, basically, Debian. The package vocabulary is WAY bigger than any set 
of RH repositories. In fact, I just don't understand why SL is called 
scientific when Ubuntu is not. There is a huge set of technical packages in 
standard Ubuntu. Make the leap as soon as you can. If there is no internal 
resistance, do it today. You will not regret it. If you like the RH user 
interface, just get the gnome-session-flashback package. It's a slightly 
updated gnome-2 environment. I still use it.

Art Edwards

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